Cultivate Equitable Ecosystems

We aim to grow and leverage monetary, informational, and network investments into the ideas and solutions of young people, families, and providers throughout Colorado, resulting in learning ecosystems that are better resourced, more connected, and driven by local communities.

Influence Systems Transformation

We aim to grow in our capacity to be a trusted partner to organizations and entities that seek to develop and further their efforts and knowledge base in creating equitable learning ecosystems that center families and youth. We can leverage our expertise, resources, and tools to support them in program and policy design and implementation in ways that honor and reflect their communities.

Elevate Voices, Learnings, and Impact

We aim to lift the experiences, learnings, and voices of our broader community by investing in our capacity to deepen community-centered design research, storytelling, and impact measurement to bring awareness to the stories and power of families and youth in decision-making, design, and implementation.

Run a Thriving Organization: People, Finances and Operations

We aim to build upon and deepen our commitments to our mission by increasing our team’s capacity, cultivating an internal culture where RESCHOOL’s people are supported professionally and holistically, and building a financially strong organization with a sustainable revenue model.